Sometimes I lie awake at night and wonder if I should just give up the farce of sleeping and get up to pen the words that run through my mind–to get them down on paper in hopes of keeping them locked there between the lines and out of the REM cycles I’m missing out on. Maybe I could go back to sleep if I just purge my system of the threads of thought that web themselves through my mind, keeping me awake–worrying me, pressing me, forcing me to digest them again and again. In the dark, I toss back and forth trying to find a comfortable position to ease my chronic back pain, and I piece sentences together that will find their way onto the cream colored, lined pages of my current journal. I’ll get up when I can’t take the back pain anymore, make some coffee, and blearily scratch out what has plagued me at night.
Dreams take up a worded persona and prompt me to pen them before they sound ridiculous when the foggy bleariness of sleep fully burns off with the final swallow of coffee. Problems that work themselves into knots in my stomach take up books of pages as I try to patch together a solution in the mess of wordy catastrophes. Hopes that regularly fail to come to life fight for prime space on the lined pages. Words of thankfulness corner their way into sentences when my heart is softer than normal.
It’s a rhythm of life I hope to never be cured of.
I began my first journal at the tender and apparently wordy age of 7.
My very first entry went something like this: “Today I went to my cousin’s house and swam in there pool. Then I went home and swam at the naybors pool so I swum two times that day. It was fun.” Of course, the journal was a diary with a lock on the side of it because it was of most importance than no one read such subversive thoughts.
I’m 34 years old now, and with roughly one journal per year, I’ve got quite the collection.
(there are 18 more years of journals not pictured here)
My grade school years of journaling were comprised of what activity was planned for the weekend, which girl in my class was mean to me that week, and which boy I was most likely to marry. (I am a pretty loyal person, so that last part didn’t change too often.) Moving to junior high, the hormonal rants of loneliness and self-pity fought for first place in my journals. They both won.
By high school, however, I had been utterly and thankfully captured by the Lord. And my journaling, while still peppered with the desire to have a boyfriend [who was handsome, a perfect believer, and good at all sports and all instruments and who loved to read all the books while agreeing that I was his perfect choice as future wife], there cropped up more and more writing that reflected the real issues of my heart which had a lot to do with faith and doubt, trust and fear, passion for Christ and compassion for the poor. I struggled to find my place in the world. (Cue MWS.) As a quiet contemplative sort of girl, I observed and felt too much. It poured out of me in varying hues of blue and black ink–words that questioned and struggled with Always on the paper, though, because I didn’t trust myself to be that honest with an actual human being. Or at least not many human beings until I found a couple of kindred spirits towards the end of high school that seemed to get my struggle with following Christ and wanting to be wholeheartedly His though I could not figure out what to do with my life. (Because in the late 90’s you had to KNOW what you were doing with your life in order to “be in God’s will.” Geez.)
It’s hard for me to go back and read journal entries from those years. I see so much self-focus and inward analyzing. But, the thing that keeps me from setting them on fire in a barrel in the back yard is the subtle process of sanctification happening in the succession of word-filled and often tear-stained pages. The sentences got longer and more complex as I grew into marriage, motherhood, ministry, and whatever stage of life it is that I am currently restlessly wrestling with. I think it’s important to have these stones of remembrance in my life to help me recall how far Grace has brought me. And how far I have to go. Light years to go, honestly.
My stack of 25-30 journals are for me the patchwork pieces of my faith and my personality being woven together to form a person who still doesn’t understand all the things she thinks she should by now, but who will keep thinking, writing, pulling the thoughts apart and stitching them back together with a hope-colored thread. They’re small thoughts, really, but they take up a big space in my head. So they must be pulled out of the space and pressed into the pages that keep me sane.
Glenna Marshall is married to her pastor, William, and lives in rural Southeast Missouri where she tries and fails to keep up with her two energetic sons. She is the author of The Promise is His Presence (P&R) and Everyday Faithfulness (Crossway), and Memorizing Scripture (Moody). Connect with her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.