A briny wind blew in from the water, and the darkness pressed down on me in that way that makes one feel small and utterly insignificant in the presence of such a vast, wild force. There was nearly a feeling of claustrophobia, the way the darkness pressed in around me though everything was deep and unmeasurably open in front of me. Unfathomable ocean depths, innumerable stars and grains of sand, untamable force of night and waves.
You can look sometimes forever ’til you see
What time may never know
What time may never know
How the Lord takes by its corners this old world
And shakes us forward and shakes us free
To run wild with the hope
To run wild with the hope

(photo cred: Courtney Laube)
I see the sky about to rain
And I hear the prairies calling out Your name
“Every Sky” is the first track from my new album Hold Me Fast. You can purchase it wherever you buy music online (iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp).
This is part one in series of posts telling the story behind each song my on my album, Hold Me Fast.
Glenna Marshall is married to her pastor, William, and lives in rural Southeast Missouri where she tries and fails to keep up with her two energetic sons. She is the author of The Promise is His Presence (P&R) and Everyday Faithfulness (Crossway), and Memorizing Scripture (Moody). Connect with her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.